
Create a csv list

Upload to the script an email list from a csv file, pyagmail will read all the addresses and send the selected email.

Make your email body

Pyagmail read from a file your email text,
Put the txt file in the pyagmail folder, and specify the file in the config.py script, pyagmail will use the text in the email body.


Send at the right time

Pyagmail send automatic email to the list only in days hours. By default, will send from 9:00 to 18:00, and will stop sending in night hours.

See who received your email campain

After running, Pyagmail will send to your email box two log files with the list of the rejected emails and the delivered emails.


Forget manual followups

If you work every day with emails, and you repeat always the same tasks to follow up clients, with pyagmail will you forget it and start doing something else!

Fork it from GitHub

Download or fork from GitHub to start using it for free.